Big Lake is a great lake for small boats, car top launching only, fishing is exceptional, offering Rainbow Trout up to twenty pounds or more. All guest on the campsite have emergency access to our telephone and internet for emergency purposes, we can also supply fresh potable water in smaller quantities and will help out in any way we can, please let us know, to make your stay a safe and pleasant experience. Many people use this campsite as a base camp from which to set out on day-trips, hikes and to other locations only reachable by smaller vehicles. Attention! During the hot and dry summer months, a camp fire ban may be in-effect restricting all open fires.
Signs will be put up notifying you of such. Further information on rules and regulations upon request.
Big Lake Forest Recreation Site is a small campsite located on Big Lake, it offers six camp spots, tables and fire pits, one outhouse, one garbage can and an information shelter. Daily fees are $12 a party and for seniors $6. The campsite has easy road access for any size camping vehicle and it's possible to accommodate up to ten units at a time. Operated from May 1st till October 15th. The site has a beautiful view over Big Lake into the Mountains of the Chilkotin Range, Mount Tatlow or Ts’il-os how the local people of Xeni G’wetin call it dominating the view. Always pay respect to this sacred mountain and the land surrounding it. You can read the ancient story about Ts'il-os at the rock cairn and park information shelter, just a short walk from the campsite.